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Introduction | • General Introduction, license, Heirarchy concept, Site, zone | 4 |
Equipment | • Modelling of Reboiler using Primitives & Standard Equipment method. Modelling of remaining Equipments.Explain level & Obst attributes. • Modelling of Civil RCC Parts e.g.Foundations,Piles,PileCaps etc | 11 + 3 |
Steelwork | • Modelling of Structures of the Building & Rack | 9 |
ASL | • Modelling Of Tower Platforms, Building Platforms, ladders of Tower and Staircase. | 4 |
PIPING | • Heirarchy,Pipe,Bran & Components Attributes.Creation of Pipes • Creation of Pipes continue | 5 |
PIPING | • Creation of Pipes continue,Shop attribute explain. | 8 |
PIPING | • Slope lines ,Ducts , HVAC,Consistency Check,Clash Check. • Consistency Check,Clash Check,Out of spec Check | 18 |
ISODARFT | • backing sheet, Generate Isos for all lines | 1 |
Cable Trays | • Create Cable trays. | 8 |
Draft | • General Heirarchy, Dept, Regi, Drwg, Sheet, View, Planes creations & their attributes.Create Plot plan sheet. • Create a Sheet for Tower, Reboiler. Create Piping Plan , CI-UGA for Foundation layout, Steel laout • Dimesionsing • Labels & Symbols, Rulesets incl. Local Rules 2D • Drafting, Conversion to AutoCAD. | 36 |
DATAL | • Exercise to copy one pump, Pipe | 2 |
REPORTER | • exercise reports | |
Feedback | • Assignment-1 submission, Feedback information, any other | 2 |
Total Hours:- | 111 |